Sunday, March 19, 2023

Wow! That was so intense! Right!I ! The next sacred fast is Kamada Ekadashi on April 1st it starts at 1:58am and it ends on April 2nd between 1:30pm 4:07pm

 For those of you who are first time fasters if you felt dizzy or nauseous that is normal! sometimes is better to empty your bowels before a fast, however, it is not a requirement! the sacred fast is a way to sacrifice something that is seemingly so important like "food", and the side affects that come with that sacrifice are normal! .... I wish you the most amazing Sunday filled with lots of love and good health for you and your family! and if you are close to a Hare Krsna temple or  a Hare Krsna eco village go and treat yourself to a good Sunday Fun Feast and get lots of Prasadan!

Sri Krsna Chaitanya is My Lord and Savior!

Glory praise the Lord! Jai! Sri Krsna! Jai!

Saturday, March 18, 2023

All you brave men and women, doing the Papmochani Ekadashi Fast!

 If your sacred kundalini is activated it is because of  Lord Krsna's mercy that you have been given this wonderful supernatural gift so that you are able to stay connected to the spiritual world, the spiritual world is the absolute true reality, is filled with eternal love, no negativity can ever exist there. Most of us souls have been stock in this material world changing bodies like we change our underwear, "everyday" well, I hope that you are fortunate enough, to change your underwear every day. Little things we take for granted, like the fact that some of us can put on different underwear and other people choose to be dirty and smelly.  And, just like a prisoner, doing a life sentence that forgets what a river looks like or what is like to ride a metro bus, we have forgotten that we are souls having a human experience, and that the center of all of us sparks of light, mini atomic bombs, are imitating from the same center, Krsna, of course!

 We are bombarded by all this mind control experimentation at the mercy of this retarded Military Scientists who have mess things up for all of us, and we have been enslaved in their sick sadistic programming  of making us believe, that is okay, to hurt one another and to have no love and care for non human animals,  and to eat them and raise them in cages and harvest them, and you know deep inside that this is absolutely, not normal behavior.  I know that you are so smart, and that you have read all of  the Prabhupadas Books, you have a very clear understanding, that death is only the beginning to a new life in a different body, and that we don't need spaceships to journey to places where there is no more suffering, and that there are those places in Lord Krsna's creation, where you don't ever have to incarnate into a material universe, or a material world again! doubting, that you are so fortunate to be giving the choice to make a quantum leap into the spiritual world is a big mistake. You can be 120 years old, and you can make a quantum leap, You can be 90 years old, and you can make that quantum leap, you can be 80 years old and you can make that quantum leap, you can be 70 years old and you can make a quantum leap, you can be 60 years old and you can make a quantum leap, you can be 50 years old and you can make a quantum leap, and you can be 40 years old and you can make a quantum leap, you can be 30 years old and you can make a quantum leap, you can be 20 years old and you can make quantum leap, you can be 10 years old and you can make a quantum leap, you can be a 1 year old and you can make a quantum leap, it really does not matter what age you are, you can make that quantum leap, and it really does not matter if your body is all wormed out and tired, or that you are suffering from an illness you can make that quantum leap, and it really does not matter that you made many mistakes and that you have so many problems,  you will make that quantum leap!  only if you want to, and if you are doing the Papmochani Fast  with us, chances are you are going to make it, you are going to make a quantum leap. Glory Praise the Lord, Jai Sri Krsna!

You know very well that eating meat, drinking alcohol, and having illicit sex, while your sacred kundalini energy is activated is the worst possible cause that you can create for yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually! It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out! Now, more than ever  allow yourself to become an extremely beautiful vegetarian if you are not already one.

The "ONLY" reason, why, your sacred kundalini is active is so that you can serve and love your creator merciful O' merciful Lord  Sri krsna! Through this love and devotion everything that your soul desires is fulfilled. Using  your sacred kundalini for anything else aside from serving and loving god will delay your spiritual unfoldment!  Don't use illicit drug not even marijuana,  Alcohol is pure evil! Don't eat meat! Don't have illicit sex! Having the wonderful gift of having your kundalini awakened is enough for you to be completely fulfilled and to be of service to the earth, to the non-human animals and to the human beings that have been victimized by all this mind control experimentation, who are so scared and depressed because they think that they have be mean and nasty, and I promise you, that you don't have to be mean and nasty to make it. The men, women,  and children who are convinced that there is no god or that they are god, or that when we die life is over. They are wrong! Life is eternal! reincarnation is a fact of life that we cannot avoid!  Take advantage of this life and that you are incarnated in a human body, and do the "ONLY" important thing in life,  to Love and Serve Lord Sri Krsna the supreme personality of godhead cause of all causes and all that is! your eternal father Krsna loves you very much! I promise! Krsna is the nourishing loving fountain of all religions! 

Let this PapMochani Ekadashi be another stepping stone for greatness!

-Sri Krsna Chaitanya is my Lord and Savior

Glory Praise the Lord! Jai Sri Krsna!

Glory Praise the Lord! Jai Sri Krsna!

Glory Praise the Lord! Jai Sri Krsna!

Friday, March 17, 2023

Last minute snacks for those of you hard core devoteess Papmochani Ekadashi begins at 2:06pm today and ends in the morning of the 19th

 You know for those of you out there who are blessed to have your sacred kundalini energy awakened, there is absolutely, NO! good reason for you you to be eating body parts and flesh! You are intelligent enough to know that Meat eating lowers your vibrational field and makes you very acidic, violent, and negative, and can lead to serious mental problems! let this Papmochani  Ekadashi be a reason  for you to expand your ambitions further than a rubbery shewy body part on a plate that will get you into a lot of trouble in the long run!

If there are any haters out there discouraging vegetarianism, just be strong and become an extremely beautiful vegetarian! This is a very cruel world, don't allow yourself to be cut off from the ever flowing fountain of mercy and universal love! When we are kind, loving,  compassionate, and merciful with the souls who incarnated into non human animal bodies because of  the causes their soul created in their previous lives,  Krsna your creator, will be merciful with you, that is the basis of the law of providence!

If anyone's soul's journey ends today during the fast, don't blame it on the Papmochani Fast!  And, please don't make other people be afraid of doing sacred fasting! Stop it! Don't forget death is another new beginning!

Sri Krsna Chaitanya is my Lord and Savior

Glory praise the Lord! Jai Sri Krsna!

Glory praise the Lord! Jai Sri Krsna!

Glory praise the Lord! Jai Sri Krsna!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Wow! Is Amalaki Ekadashi really over!!! that was something else don't you think? "Mark it down on your calendars Papmochani Ekadashi falls on Friday March 17th at 2:06pm and continues, March 18, 2023 and it ends March 19th, 2023 at 6:25am!"

 Congratulations!! you are one the best extremely beautiful vegetarians! for those of you who will go back to meat eating,  just do your best to become an extremely beautiful vegetarian one day at a time. Being an extremely beautiful vegetarian is not so easy! We know, most of you like most of us were programmed to be meat eaters since we were in our mother's womb, but this times are not the times to be eating meat! these are the times to make a quantum leap and to go further than this material universes!

 Be strong, we know there is a lot of peer pressure,  your friends, your family your business partners, most of them eat meat right? and then you have those macho men, who have been programmed to be so dominant and they  make others do what  they do or else!  you know that meat and potato guy  who is  afraid of becoming an extremely beautiful vegetarian because he is afraid that he might go soft! and god forbid world domination is out the question when we get soft! We hate to rain in your parade but being soft does not make you weak! hanker down!  and leave that ego somewhere else! make it vanish! it will only get you into more trouble than we already are!

and of course there is that old stubborn lady out there dead set in her ways, who can possibly convince a self made woman who is pushing 70 and has raised a family of ungrateful children that is time to become an extremely beautiful vegetarian! You know, vegetarianism is not some foreign ideology from India! don't forget we are souls having a human experience! it's never too late to change your mind even at 100 years old! Make it work for yourself, you've bought and eaten enough meat! stop buying and eating meat rightnow! - Sri Krsna Chaitanya is my Lord and savior!

Friday, March 3, 2023

Dandavas Pranas !! Let the Amalaki Ekadashi continue!

 Most of you out there probably did not even know that there was such a great opportunity to do a  sacred fast and that there is a reason why it falls in certain times and dates, but your soul has known about this since the moment that you were in your mother's womb! Although, most of us have been blessed by being incarnated in a human body at the same time most of us have been punished severely by being born in a civilization that has done it's best to ban and censor Brahmanical culture. An atheist culture is bound to fall deeper and deeper in ignorance! a civilization that does not make god  it's center, is bound to create more suffering for itself.

Krsna is the supreme personality of godhead he/she/it is not an insignificant Hindu god in a pantheon of gods and goddess in fictional stories, as thousands of western philosophers and writers have attempted to diminish and defame in the writings that are currently published all over the internet and in some books! Krsna is your absolute supreme Lord! Glory Praise the Lord! Jai Sri Krsna!

Know that as you are doing this fast you are not alone, and there are millions of people in the world that are doing the Amalaki Ekadashi fast right now with you. Millions of people who are although overwhelmed by the extreme take over of materialism that has almost illegally over thrown Brahmanical culture with absolute disobedience of of god's mandates for this civilization,  and instead has intentionally legalized every form of  perversion and violence imaginable!

 The hardcore-staunch devotees have hold on to the science of god that has been conserve rigorously against all odds, and they have passed down this science through the unbreakable eternal thread of disciplic succession, in order to remind us why we humans and non human animals  incarnate in human bodies in this material hellish planet filled with miseries. This authoritative thread of disciplic succession is here to reinforce the natural instincts that you had when you were a child and maybe you saw someone hurt a non human animal or be nasty to a person and you were disgusted and sadden by it. You were right! that behavior is not normal! You are not here to hurt anyone or anything, and You don't have to hurt anyone or anything ever again!

May your ambition go where no men or woman has gone before and as your imagination becomes unrestricted know that violence  and cruelty is not the answer and it will not grant you that universal passport that your soul desires! Sri Krsna Chaitanya is my Lord and savior!

Meaning of Amalaki Ekadashi click here

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Hare Krsna!! Amalaki Ekadashi begins today March 2nd, 2023 and it ends March 4th, 2023 for the staunch-hard core devotees!

 For those of you out there who are god conscious and health conscious we invite you to be part of all the Ekadashis that are observed through out the year. Allowing your body to rest by fasting is a very good and healthy thing to do for yourself and for your family! Even if you are not part of the Hare Krsna movement!    Click here for more information:

Staunch/hardcore  devotees fast for two days starting today March 2nd and they will be breaking the fast on the 4th of March in the morning.

So, what does this mean to a person who is not a staunch-harcore devotee, obviously, if you believe in god, and you have a daily practice that shows Him/Her how much you love her, and obey his mandates then that makes you a devotee too even if you are not part of the Hare Krsna movement!

So what does this mean to you who have not participated in this extremely beneficial fasting  for your body but also for your soul's journey!

All you have to do is Don't eat any kind of meat ever again! Do not eat any grains or beans just for today and tomorrow! You can eat fruits, drink juice or water for two days! How hard is that? from March 2nd, until the morning of the 4th of March.  You can resume to eat grains and beans on the 4th of March after you break the fast.

If you just saw this post and you have already eaten some bread, or granola, oatmeal, french toast, a bagel,  arepa, tortilla,  rice,  pancakes... ! Don't worry! this  happens to all of us once in a while!  just don't eat any more grains for today and for tomorrow!  Drink juice, drink water, eat an apple or an orange, or a mango, or  a piece of pineapple or a guayava, a peach... any fruit!

For those of you who do not have access to fruits, drink water, lots of water. If you have veggies eat some veggies...

The hard core devotees usually fast by not eating anything or drinking anything at all, or they just  drink some water.


please keep in mind, that if anyone dies during an Ekadashi fast that means that it was time for that person to leave this planet. Don't blame it on the Ekadashi fast!

Death is a part of life and it can be something to look forward to,  and to be prepared for, rather than  something to be afraid of, or a reason to continue to contribute to a multi trillion Dollar, Yuan, Euro, Russian Rubble. Yen, Ruppe, Pounds,  New Shekel, Pesos, gold, silver, copper, Military and Pharmaceutical Industry that has been made extremely successful  by the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of "fear" of "dying" "illness" and "death".

May this Amalaki Ekadshi be victorious for you and your loved ones!

Glory Praise the Lord! Jai Sri Krsna! -Sri Krsna Chaitanya is my lord and savior!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Throw That Meat in the Trash Right Now! For those of you who are intelligent and aware of the truth : Stop buying meat! Stop eating meat right now! and god will be merciful with you!

If you are keeping meat in your refrigerator Then take it out and throw it away! 

If someone serves you meat Then do what we do throw it in the trash in front of them! Meat is repulsive your instincts were right, you knew it all along ! craving flesh and eating body parts is not normal!  if the person that serves you a piece of meat gets angry at you and starts to emotionally, verbally or physically abuse you! run to the nearest police station and tell them what happen. Eating meat is a crime according to the law of god  Sri Krsna your creator!

If someone is forcing  you to eat meat  know that you are being abused. No one has the right to force you to eat meat! and they are lying to you if they tell you that your body needs meat or else you get sick.

If you are victim of peer pressure because everyone around you eats meat and during a business meeting you are served a piece of meat throw it in the trash anyways, you will feel better. You are not wasting food.

Every time you throw meat away know that you are doing a great service not only to yourself but for all civilization! 

If an ignorant doctor tells you to eat meat change doctor's immediately! there are plenty of good doctor's everywhere that will look after your good health rather than make you more sick. 

                                                       Although, the link below is from 2021 it's worth reading.   

                                           Click here to read about some extremely beautiful vegetarian doctors!

May your ambition include becoming an extremely beautiful vegetarian against all odds! 

                                -Sri Krsna Chaitanya is my lord and savior!